Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Juno's role in AC Unity

Juno sais pas?

Hello dear readers,
To begin my return I am going to touch on a subject that I have been meaning to comment on. While playing AC: IV Black Flag, I decided to just touch the multi-player for one second. Upon entering the multi-player, I was greeted with an introduction video. Introduction video here. If you go to the mark 1:06 you will see, for a fraction of a second, Juno's evil grin. Now needless to say I didn't see this coming and it scared the living s**t out of me. Now for the rest of this post I will need to add a bit of a spoiler alert for AC: IV Black Flag's main modern day story arch.

Now, it is my opinion that AC: Unity will feature a modern day protagonist. As many will recall, during the lead up to AC: IV, almost no information was revealed about the modern day protagonist. Since we are approaching the release of AC: Unity now I believe that the same framework will apply. For those who read the spoiler and want to see the video, here is the link. Go to about 2:31.

Thanks guys and I look forward to your theories!
If those who have played Black Flag will recall, towards the end of the game, the "Employee" is told by John from IT to hack the main server. Upon doing so, Juno reveals that she is dormant in the Abstergo Server.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm going to return!!!!!

So Sorry!

Hey guys, I am so sorry that I haven't been posting in good god 1 year!!!!! I just received a message or something that referred me back to this and I decided that I want to start up again. Also in part because of the upcoming release of Assassin's Creed: Rogue and Unity. I can't wait to share and learn new information on the nook and crannies of the Assassin's Creed secrets. Stay tuned!